Muslim customs Halal Food inbound

Muslim customs Halal Food inbound

Muslim customs Halal Food inbound Muslims and the | Islamic customs Halal Food inbound correspondence The Muslim means Muslims. It has followers people to Islam more than 000 million around the world, and there are many in Southeast Asia of Malaysia and Indonesia, also have increased in recent years Muslims to visit Japan. For Muslims to act in accordance with the precepts prescribed by Islam, there is a case that does not put out a hand to the consumption of food and hands-on that has not been considering this commandment. In recent years, the metropolitan area, has begun service to eliminate the inconvenience of for these Muslims gradually, for example, Saitama Beauty is in this year has begun a service for Muslims. In this store conscious that women of Muslim is it is forbidden to show the hair on men other than family, we prepared a space that does not enter the eye of the man to complete the treatment only in the female staff. On the other hand, says that many of the Muslims to come to Japan as tourists may be inconvenient feel in terms of diet.

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